Monday, April 21, 2014

Free Printable Download for Earthday Planetpals Exclusive Recycle Game

PLANETPALS Recycle Game Fun!

You can be a Planetpal, too!
Test yourself with the help of Big Ben and Recycle Michael!
How much do you know about recycling and trash? What goes where in your town?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Our Favorite Earthday Ever!

April 22,  is Earth Day.  Every Year as Planetpals, we want to celebrate in a special way!

We took a look back at some of our Earthday activities with family. As you can imagine, we have found many ways to celebrate through the years. Everything from making recycle crafts and foods, to attending Earth Day celebrations and a simple walk in the park.

By far our favorite Earthday was a walk in the park We started our day doing recycle crafts from odds and ends that we had collected.  We made earth globes from tuna cans and bottle tops and robots from various other recycled materials (of course)!
Later, we packed a healthy picnic and headed to the Boston Common to enjoy the wonders of springtime.
It's not complicated to teach kids to love Earth and care for their world. Basic things like learning about flowers, trees and animals can make a lasting impression on children.  Taking a walk and spotting litter can lead to dialog about responsibility. Every step can lead to an adventure in learning, and on Earthday, we wanted it to be about Earth.
Our Earthday did just that.  No Earthday cake, No Earthday parade, No big crowd.  Just us PLANETPALS partaking in our beautiful world.  Learning to love it. Learning to care for it.  Learning to create it.
Learning about trees and petals: 
 Learning about Petals 
Learning about spring flowers : 
Learning about Flowers 
Learning to care for creatures: 
Caring for Animals 
Learning to draw from nature:
Drawing from Nature 
Learning to write with ancient implements: 
Learning to write with ancient implements 
Enjoying an Earthday picnic:
An earthday picnic on the charles
Making an Earthday craft: 
An Earthday Craft 
Make Tuna Can World Globe:Planetpals Exclusive! 
Such fun for Earthday or Earth Science and georgraphy learning

tuna can globe recycle project

Recycled Robots from ContainersThis is an alternate idea--use cans--basically you can use anything to make fun robots: Humanoids or animals shapes, too

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Planetpals Earthday Language Dictionary says it all!

Say Happy Earthday in Any Language

How do you say Happy Earthday in your favorite language?
Planetpals Language Dictionary Series has an EARTHDAY Language Dictionary for you to enjoy. Learn how to say "Happy Earthday" in another language! Send a special greeting to a friend in their language. Enjoy learning something new today! Over 40 languages to learn.
The Earthday Language Dictionary:
NOTE: If your language does not exist...share it...please send it to me :-)
To view ALL dictionaries such as "I love you, happy birthday, peace". Planetpals has the best Ecology Dictionary, too! Thanks and have a green day!
The best place on earth to learn about earth!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Earthday Can Be So Sweet!

Our Favorite Earthday Food Art and Recipes To make Your Earthday Celebration A Little Sweeter

Earthday Can Be So Sweet with this collection of Planetpals favorite #Earthday Fun Foods!
Earthday is a great day for  family and friends to celebrate their love of Earth.  We hope you are enjoying the day outdoors with nature, too.  So, while you are having your earth Day picnic, outing or celebration, why not add a few sweet memories to the menu.
Here is our favorite collection of food art and  creative cooking ideas  for both healthy and indulgent creations to wow all your guests. Get the kids involved and teach them that caring for Earth can be fun, too.

 Edible Food Art Earthday Crafts:

Make Earthday Cookies Yummy for your tummy.
earthday cookies
Make an Earthday Cake Treat you can't beat
earthday cake
Earthday Cupcakes Small so you don't eat all.
earthday cupcakes
Yummy Gummy Worm & Dirt PuddingGreat for Earthday or a science lesson. Made with pudding, crumpled oreos and gummy worms...not gross as it sounds!
earthday food art worms and dirt pudding
Earth Rice Krispie Balls
Kids will have a ball making these and they are Perfect For Earth Day!
Earthday Earth Treats recycle Edible Food Art
Earthday Marzipan Simply a Healthy Alternative
earthday marzipan
earthday food crafts
earthday food crafts

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rah Rah Recyclemania Cleans Up At A College Near You

The Results Are In - The Creativity Is Right On 

A look at the History and Creative Thinking that goes into RECYCLEMANIA.  Plus the best of the posters past and present!

The 14th College Campus Recycling Competition 
Recyclemania is a friendly competition and benchmarking tool for college and university recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities to their campus communities. The program is a project of the College and University Recycling Council (CURC), managed by Keep America Beautiful in conjunction with EPA WasteWise.

The competition runs from January through March. Over the 10-week period, schools report recycling and trash data which are then ranked in each of four different categories. With each week's reports and rankings, participating schools watch how their results fluctuate against other schools and use this to rally their campuses to reduce and recycle more.

According to Recyclemania millions of students & staff in nearly 1,000 Colleges & Universities participated recovering 91 million pounds of material that would have gine to a landfill or landed on streets an in rivers.

The 2014  Recyclemania Event reported the following results:

RecycleMania 2014 results are in. The Wisconsin Grand Champion contest is for the highest cumulative recycling rate. Congratulations to this year’s top five finishers!
• UW-Stout (52.79%)
• UW-Platteville (46.18)
• UW-Oshkosh (46.12%)
• UW-River Falls (34.23%) 
• UW-Milwaukee (33.39%)

At Planetpals, we encourage all colleges to join in! Perhaps it's time for all schools everywhere to follow suit and start a program of their own!

I'd say "May the best school win", but, I think all the schools are winners for participating.

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Along with this great event, came a slew of creative and colorful posters nationwide present and past:

 recyclemania PLANETPALS

recyclemania PLANETPALS

recyclemania PLANETPALS

recyclemania PLANETPALS

recyclemania PLANETPALS

recyclemania PLANETPALS

recyclemania PLANETPALS 

recyclemania PLANETPALS

recyclemania PLANETPALS