Showing posts with label eco friendly kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eco friendly kids. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Teaching Families To Care For Mother Earth This Mother's Day

Care About The Planet. Everyone And Everything On It!

Why are we not getting the message to care for Earth? Learn the importance
Why are we not getting the message to care for Earth?
It's been Planetpals goal for 20 years to teach kids to learn to care about Earth by caring for it! Like all living things, it needs nurturing and love.  

But, look around you and what do you see?  Bottles and trash on roadways, beaches, parks.  Go to any popular event and watch when people leave, how much is left behind?  Very few people are picking up after themselves! 

Corporations are to blame, too! As packages get smaller and smaller to keep prices down, we have more package waste. Much of it plastics. It all lands on Earth and in our water!

Do we live in a society where we are all oblivious to it? That's a scary thought. Let's teach ourselves and our children the importance of being pro-active. 

Teach them by example!
Why are we not getting the message to care for Earth? Learn the importance