Showing posts with label Homeschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeschool. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Remote Learning Resources: Distance Learning Solutions, Ideas & Options

In this new world of social distancing, pandemic solutions, coronavirus fears, stay at home, stuck at home and distance learning, we are all scampering around trying to find options, ideas and solutions.

Distance Learning Remote Learning Resources - If you need resources that are inspiring, fun, and light hearted for kids to learn about their world, earth science, life skills and health, try some of Planetpals activities!
Learn More About Planetpals Lessons for Distance Learning

If you need resources that are inspiring, fun, and light hearted for kids to learn about their world, earth science, life skills and health, try some of Planetpals activities!  They stand the test of time, are unique and playful.  Just what we need in these days of emotional turmoil and a complete turn around in what our school day is.

For one, Check out Planetpals Resources for health ideas, safety tips, exercise and the importance of healthy tips that work for this strange new world.

Distance Learning Remote Learning Resources
Buy PP Healthy Lifestyle Lesson

Amuse them with Planetpals eco tips that cover a multitude of wordly topics with punny and funny playfulness. and work for any age!

Distance Learning Remote Learning Resources Eco friendly Ecology Earth Themes
Get PP Flash Cards

Our Earth and environmental lessons are informative, fascinating and clever, not to mention, have been successful in education for decades.

Distance Learning Remote Learning Resources Eco friendly Ecology Earth Themes
See All of Planetpals Lessons

There's lots more so check out Planetpals TPT Store.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

During Social Distancing and Distance Learning Why Not Nature Journal!

Journals can be a great learning experience all year long

Nature Journals can be a great learning experience all year long - Learn how to make one!
For links to these projects go to Planetpals Pinterest Nature Journal Board

What better learning experience is there than to document nature's splendor, with a nature diary! It's a great project for any age including kids!  Anyone can draw, write, record and photograph what they see.

Any season is a season for Journaling; 

Spring means outdoors for many who have cooped up all winter, like birds and bugs, trees and plants.   Summer is a time for thriving for many plants and animals, caring for their young, plants blooming and harvesting.  As well, Autumn harvests and the storing and shedding of animals and plants.  Winter is time for hibernation and wild weather patterns. Let's face it, all year long nature evolves, the skies not only change through the seasons, but change day and night, as do the tides. 

The changing seasons are a perfect time to think of Journaling.  

Journaling is a wonderful pastime and an educational hobby. With the changing season comes changes in nature. You can track the seasons of trees and flowers.  You can track nature's life cycles like that of a butterfly from and egg to a caterpillar to a full grown butterfly. You can watch animals come out of, or prepare and go into, hibernation.

Things you can record in a Journal:

Learn to look for patterns in nature such as heart shaped leaves, camouflage or repetitive patterns. Find nests and cocoons, take photos of changing leaves, sprouting flowers and new blossoming plants. Watch gardens grow and the changing seaside.  Learn what different species eat, which ones are endangered,  and learn about the food chain. Collect different kinds of natural species or their parts such as shells or barks from trees. Or simply find the beauty in any natural thing!

Here is a list of additional ideas for a Seasonal Journal:
  • Color in Nature
  • Art in Nature
  • Anatomy and Architecture
  • Planted Seedlings
  • Budding and Blooming Flowers
  • Budding and Blooming Trees
  • Birds and Nests
  • Bugs and Insects
  • Cacoons and Bee Hives
  • Hybernation and Habitats
  • Otters and Damns
  • Breeding and Birth
  • Sky and Clouds
  • Changing Leaves
  • Collecting bark, leaves, insects or shells
  • More 
© Judith Gorgone Designs

How to document in your Journal:
  • Draw
  • Paint
  • Photograph
  • Write Stories
  • Write Poems
  • Write Haiku
  • Describe Objects
  • Color Match
  • Collect specimens
  • Save seeds
  • Collect images from magazines
  • Decorate

How to make a Scrapbook:
  • Buy a notebook or scrapbook
  • Use any kind of paper
  • Use paper 
  • Use cloth
  • Recycle papers, scraps and bags
  • Recycle cardboard

See many more ideas and download helpers here:
Download Planetpals Free Nature Diary FREE Here.

Be a Planetpal!  Come up with some natural ideas and recycle ideas you can use in your journal and share it with us!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Fun and Informative List of Favorite Free EDUCATIONAL WEBSITES For KIDS for Homeschool & Distance Learning

Favorite Free Educational Website List
Teach Kids to Love Learning!
Some of the Best!

This list is a FREE Download:
  • Perfect Backup for Classroom, homeschool, or home.
  • Kids Learn at Home
  • Great for Distance Learning.
  • Teacher Helpers
  • Curriculum & Classroom Ideas
  • Includes Many Topics

Favorite Free Educational Website List  Teach Kids to Love Learning!   Distance learning too. Some of the Best!
FREE Download Here

Friday, March 13, 2020

Things To Do If You Are In Quarantine

Oh my, this is really a game changer.

cabin fever, Coronavirus, covid 19, COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning, Homeschool, Homeschool activities, quaratine, quaratined, social distance, social distancing, virus, what can I do during pandemic,

Now that social distance and distance learning are the buzz words of the day. 

If you are housebound with cabin fever and in quarantine during this social distancing due to Coronavirus,  COVID-19 pandemic, here are some ideas for you and your family! 
  • Play board games. Fun for you! And perfect if you have kids!
  • Play yard games: Check this link out, 16 Classic yard games You can play with kids.
  • Go to the museum. How? There are 12 famous museums you can tour online!
  • Go for an adventure: Take a ride and pack a picnic! You won't be eating out and picnics are fun. Pack some goodies.
  • Nature Journal Get outside or learn inside in books. Learn about nature, document it, draw it, write about it! Get our free Nature Diary.
  • Craft! Try a new craft or do an old one. Always wanted to learn the camera? Knit? Paint? Learn Calligraphy? Craft with kids, too!
  • Take a Class.  Online Education is available all over the internet. Check the major Colleges links.
  • Watch Videos.  A Movie you wanted to see?  How about some educational videos online. Both are available from your local library online access to places like Overdrive and Hoopla.
  • Clean. How about Spring cleaning early?
  • Write: Been wanting to write more Poems or Start that book?
  • Catch up on reading. Try your local library online sources
  • Cook! How many recipes have you saved that you thought might be delicious!
  • Start a new house project.  Been wanting to paint the bedroom? Re-arrange the Playroom? 
  • Learn about Earth, Get ready for Earthday on
  • Get some Educational Activities on Teachers Pay Teachers or Amped Up Learning 
  • Take this time to contact old friends, family and make memories with your own.

Whatever you do, be safe, be squeaky clean and use diligence.

Stay Healthy Pals!

Learn about Earth!

Get some educational activities Teachers Pay Teachers or Amped Up Learning !

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Planetpals New Eco Friendly Products And Activities Store For A Healthier World

The Best Way To Play On EARTH!

Earthday, America Recycles Day, Peace Day or Just Any Day Planetpals Eco Friendly Activities Encourage Kids have Fun While Learning About Healthy Living!

Planetpals adorable characters, Earth friendly messages and cute characters are the most unique way to teach kids about their world. Each character engages them with humor and fun facts and encourages stewardship, caring and responsibility.

Now you can take their unique engagements home and to the classroom with a new world full of new activities for school, home, homeschool are available at our latest shop on TeacherPayTeachers.

Stop by and find an activity for Any Holiday or Any Day...make it a Greener day!

Other Planetpals products available here

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Teach The 4”R’s” and Paint Your School Bright GREEN

Teach the 4”R’s” and paint your school bright GREEN
There are so many great ways to have a greener school yearl. This is Planetpals top ten list of SIMPLE ideas you can implement in your school, in no time, and with no cost!  All the while, encouraging GREEN habits, pro-active solutions and teaching the 4 “r’s”. 
1. Reusable Containers
Encourage everyone to use reusable containers to hold their snacks, drinks and lunches - so that no plastic or paper has to be thrown away. This is a great way to REDUCE!
2. Scrap Paper Box
Keep a scrap paper box in a convenient location. Encourage everyone to use both sides of the paper. This is a great way to Renew!
3. Ecology Craft Box
So many of the items normally bound for the garbage actually make wonderful craft materials.  Boxes, tissue paper, string, and plastic bottles are some of the items kids can use to make great projects. This is a great way to recycle!
4. School supply SWAP
Organize a school supply swap or have a swap box in the classroom for unused school supplies and books. This is a great way to REDUCE!
5. Book Swap:
Encourage additional reading! Organize a one-day book swap or have a “free book” bookcase in the classroom.This is a great way to REUSE!
 6. Organize a Planetpals “Walking School Bus” or Car Pool:
If kids live close to school, we love this idea.  Kids can learn to save energy and gas by using alternative means of transportation such as bicycle, walk or ride sharing. This is a great way to REDUCE! Learn more
7. Get Your Whole School to Recycle. Start a Planetpals ECO PATROL
Planetpals ECO PATROL is a great way to encourage kids In school. This is a great project for your class. if your school does not already have a recycling program in place.  If your school already recycles, see if your class can improve the current system. This is a great way to RECYCLE!
8.  Recycle Fundraisers: 
Good for the school good for the environment.  Recycle phones and ink cartridges.  Earn points and money for your classroom.  Encourage companies to sponsor your by donating their points. A recycle fundraiser gets everyone involved.  This is a great way to RECYCLE! 
9. School Beautification:
Teach kids to love their surroundings and earn a green thumb.  Start seedlings and later plant flowers around the schoolyard. Encourage them to maintain the garden. This is a great way to RENEW!
Once a month or once a week.  Many schools have a” Planetpals DAY”. Do Planetpals recycle kits and activities to learn about earth and earth issues and encourage recycling. Why not have a recycle craft on that day! This is a great way to learn  ALL the 4 “r’s”!
Learn more about being green at  Hundreds of pages of content, info, ideas, crafts and downloads. Teachers Parents Pages, more.