Monday, April 17, 2017

The Colors of Composting

What Items Can You Compost?

There is a science too composting and some ingredients are better than others! This chart will teach you how to compost  and get the most from it.  Remember these three colors and you will be good to go!

What can you compost?  Fact filled article and infographic

Learn More About Composting With Squirmy Wormy:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Planetpals Healthy Eating Plate

Be Heart Healthy Pals!

The USDA recommends you have a certain amount of specific foods to stay healthy paired with exercise.  Planetpals now offers this healthy poster to help teach kids for the classroom! 

Teach Kids How to Eat Healthy with this fun chart

To Learn more about Healthy Eating and staying healthy check out Planetpals Healthy Lifestyle Pages.

Monday, April 10, 2017

What's a Garbage Garden?

It's not just a lot of SCRAP!
regrow, garbage garden, scrap garden, green gardening, regrowing, how to regrow
What's a Garbage Garden, You ask?
Don't toss it scrap it:

My friend Julie tosses many of her vegetable scraps and seeds into a garden and watches it grow! It not only makes great compost soil.  It makes great vegetables.  It's a simple idea and one that thrives every summer.  It's colorful and resourceful, and it's always a surprise to see what will grow.  She gets a variety of vegetables from tomatoes to peppers, all types, all sizes. So, think twice before you put everything in the garbage disposal.
regrow, garbage garden, scrap garden, green gardening, regrowing, how to regrow
Toss scaps into one garden spot
Whether you toss the scraps into one spot or separate them into different pots - your garden will flourish and be fruitful!

place scraps in separate pots
Toss scraps into separate pots
Many things can be Regrown easily including tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, garlic and scallions,  the list goes on! 

Here is a sample of Julie's Harvest.  Time for dinner!
regrow, garbage garden, scrap garden, green gardening, regrowing, how to regrow
regrow, garbage garden, scrap garden, green gardening, regrowing, how to regrow
regrow, garbage garden, scrap garden, green gardening, regrowing, how to regrow
Regrowing is popular but garbage gardening takes it to a new level.  It's no scrappy idea! Why not try it, too?
There are dozens of fruits and vegetables that can be re-grown. This list includes some of the simplest: 

  • Avocado
  • Beets
  • Bok Choy
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Green Onions
  • Herbs
  • Leeks
  • Lemon Grass
  • Mushrooms
  • Peppers
  • Potatoes
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Rutabagas
  • Scallions
  • Turnips
  • Tomatoes

More gardening info on our Green Garden Page at and Pinterest Gardening Pages.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Garden Tips: What To Plant With What

What Vegetables Are Perfect Mates In The Garden?

Did you know that if you plant certain vegetables together with others you get better crops?  It's a centuries old phenomena and one that is passed down for generations!  My great grandfather always told me to put 3 matches in with tomato plants for sulfur and plant peppers next to them.

BURPEE has a load of TIPS AND GROWING LISTS for you, and they agree Tomatoes and peppers go together!

Here is a simple concise infographic from to also help you out.

For more great Spring tips and fun check out Planetpals Spring Journal.

For more green gardening ideas check out Planetpals Green Gardening Page on Pinterest  we have over 1,000 ideas!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Planetpals Licensing The Best On Earth!

Healthy Planet, Healthy People. The best license on Earth to teach kids about Earth.  

License Planetpals fun loving, informative, educational and GREEN characters for your product!

Planetpals Character License Available for:

* Toys * School Products * Juvenile Merchandise * Giftware
* Textiles * Stationery * Publishing * Multimedia * More

Monday, March 13, 2017

Cardboard Crafts...Just Imagine!

Rainy Day, Snowy Day, Any Day!  Recycle crafts are green.

recycle crafts, cardboard crafts
Max and Alexis Make Masterpieces

Be a Planetpal everyday and find ways to recycle and reuse things around the house.

Max and Alexis are great Planetpals...they are not only reusing, but creating masterpieces.  No matter what your age, you can, too!

Paint, crayons, paper, cardboard, anything goes.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Vintage Valentines

Make Old New With These Vintage Valentine Upcycle Ideas.

If you love vintage valentines as much as I do, you will probably love these unique ideas to make crafts from vintage valentines.  Whether you have some original valentines you want to incorporate or have some vintage valentine images you print out, these ideas will have your heart!

Valentines Banners
Valentines Wall Hanger
Valentine Cones 
Valentines Decor

Valentine Heart 
Valentine Globe

Valentine Card
Valentine Gift Bag

Valentine Gift
Valentine Card
Valentine Card
Valentine Bingo Card
Valentine Flags

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Happy February Full Moon Pals!

The February Full Moon is on February 10, 7:33 P.M. EST.

February full moon names are: Trappers Moon, Budding Moon, Bony Moon, Little Famine Moon, Storm Moon, Snow Moon, Ice Moon, Raccoon Moon and the Moon When Trees Pop.  Go here for a complete list of Moon Names and Moon facts.

February ancient full moon names and fun facts

Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy New Year Full Moon Pals!

This months chilly moon is in the sign of Cancer and occurs Full Moon: January 12, 6:34 A.M.  

Full Moon Names for January are:  Ice Moon, Rainbow Moon, Winter Moon, Fish Moon, Cold Moon, Cooking Moon, Wolf Moon, and The Moon of the Terrible. Go here for a complete list of full moon names and the cultures that named them. Learn more about the Full Moon Names,  Moon Phases and Moon Facts at Planetpals!

full moon names Jan 2017
It's the new year and this years full moons are as follows. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Happy December Full Moon Pals!

It's a Bitter Cold Snow Moon Before Yule on December 13

The Full Moon occurs on December 13 at 7:06 pm EST.  To find out the exact time where you live check out Moon Giant.  The full moon for December is at 14 degrees 22 Gemini.  Opposite Saturn and trine Jupiter. 

Name Calling! 

The Ancient full moon names for December are the Christmas Moon, Btter Moon, Snow Moon, Twelfth Moon, Cold Moon, Long Night Moon, Oak Moon and the Moon before Yule.

Learn more about the Full Moon Names,  Moon Phases and Moon Facts at Planetpals!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Recycle Yourself !

Become an organ donor. Save a life.


Healthy Planet, Healthy People.  That's our motto.  But it isn't always that easy.  Some people do everything right, but they are just are down on their "healthy" luck.  That's where you come in.  You could help save someone's life by donating a part of yourself.  A part that they may need.
It sounds overwhelming, but becoming a donor is really pretty simple. All you have to do is sign up and you could save a life. Many people believe they are too old or not healthy enough to sign on, but that can be untrue. 
What can you donate?
There are many kinds of donors, they include: organ donor, bone marrow, cord blood and stem cell. 
How do you donate and learn more?
To sign up or learn more, go to one of the appropriate registries.  You can even sign up to be an organ donor at the registry of motor vehicles in your state and it will appear on your license.
International Stem Cell Registry 
Where to Find a Bone Marrow Match: Be The Match. Org
Where to find an Organ Donor Match  Matching Donors. Org 
What if you can't donate, but want to help?
If you can't be a donor, do some other good. Perhaps you can be a volunteer! That is another way of giving part of yourself and enhancing someone's life.
Did you know?  
  • 1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives 
  • 18 people will die each day waiting for an organ
  • 6,000 people are waiting for a matched stem cell donor in North America alone
  • Each day, an average of 75 people receive organ transplants
  • Only 30% of patients in need of a marrow or blood cell transplant find a matched donor in their family.
Thanks for being a Planetpal.  
 Let's help all our Pals be healthy! 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

DIY Recycle Flags Ideas

What better way to celebrate a patriotic holiday than with homemade flags made with recycle materials!

Ribbon, cans, fabric, twigs, you name it the ideas are plentiful to create a patriotic flag or flag decor.

The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY\

Maybe you can make one to display for your next patriotic event, be it election time, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Veteran's Day or Patriots Day,  here are some clever handmade flag ideas:

The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Recycle license plates flag 
The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Recycle ribbon and lace scrap flag

The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Wood cut flag

The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Recycle Wood Scrap Flag
The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
recycle fabric flag 
The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Twig Flag

The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Recycle Palet Flag
The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Recycle Jars flag
The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Recycle bottle caps flag

The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Horse Shoe Flag 
The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Collage Flag 
The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Button Flag
The best collection of Recycle Flag Ideas #DIY
Beer Can Flag