Wednesday, January 4, 2023

What To Do With Outdated Calendars

How to repurpose old calendars
Eco Friendly ideas for re-purposing old calendars
It's the end of the end of the year and that means that your calendar is now outdated! Unless, of course, you are using a perpetual calendar, it's time to let go.

If you are like many people, you probably hate to just toss your beloved calendar in the trash.  Perhaps it was given to you by someone special or on a topic you really adore. Yes, you enjoyed it for a whole year and now there must be something you can do with it!

Whether your calendar was on vintage posters, 50's cars, or travel to a favorite destination,  there are actually a few things you can do to save it from the trash heap: 
  • Frame it. Save your favorite images as wall art
  • Make a collage or decoupage using many images 
  • Make recycle ART.  Try rolled frames, mirror frames, beads, more
  • Make a book or journal
  • Make a picture morgue (library)
  • Use it for crafts such as bookmarks, gift tags, wrap and note cards
  • Save for scrapbooking projects
  • Use it as a birthday calendar to record friends and families birthdays
  • Donate it to freecycle, your book swap or your town swap shop (one man's trash is another's treasure)
  • If you are a teacher or program leader, collect them from parents, they are perfect for class projects
  • Use it another yearThese years have the same calendars as 2023 (the selected year is highlighted): 1933, 1939, 1950, 1961, 1967, 1978, 1989, 1995, 2006, 2017, 2023, 2034, 2045 and 2051 Check any year: Visit this site and find out!
  • Put it in the recycle bin if all else fails.  Recycle
NOTE: There used to be an organization called "Calendars for Kids Recycle Project" but as far as I can see, it no longer exists.  If you know of another, let me know!  I am happy to pass it on.

And remember, if you get too many calendars as gifts  this year, pass them on to a friend or give them to a thrift.  Someone will be happy to use a new one! 

Speaking of calendars, Have a GREEN  Year! 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

The World Is Singing A Greener Tune With Planetpals:

Planetpals  Licenses to Storypod for an audio book Storyteller.

View on Storypod

Join PLANETPALS, Earthman and his friends, as they teach kids about the planet, everyone and everything on it! Meet each inspiring and fun character, and learn about their world and what you can do to make your world better.

Planetpals is a unique approach to important issues. The Earth Times wrote about Planetpals: "Planetpals has a nice balance of fact and fantasy presented in a way that dares you not to have fun while learning why being a "pal " to the environment which is so important."

PLANETPALS “Be A Friend To Earth” is an uplifting, playful book and collection of poems put to music that children will love to hear,  as well as sing. Earth friendly and upbeat tunes that kids will find delightful and motivational. Included in the recording are an exclusive selection of songs for each of the adorable nine Planetpals and then some. 

Complete with Storypod's signature audio production including music, sound effects, narration, and interactive trivia your little ones are sure to love! It also includes an interactive trivia session at the end of the book to develop your child's listening skills and cognition!

Finally, it’s based on PLANETPALS popular children's website and blog, visited by nearly every country, used by teachers, parents and children for it's ideas and content and promoted by the best educational and environmental portals.

Plantpals activities and educational lessons are available on educational sources including activities from Teachers Pay Teachers and Amped Up Learning 

Characters and Rhymes created by Judith Gorgone, artist, writer and educator, who has been delighting children for decades with toys, educational activities and other children's products.  Her talent as an artist, combined with her love and understanding of children, make Planetpals outstanding and educational.

Planetpals educational portals have been used by families, teachers and kids and can be found on the award winning and 

Planetpals characters are available for licensing on a variety of product categories! PLANETPALS: THERE’S NO WAY IN THE WORLD YOU WANT TO MISS OUT! 

For licensing information contact Judith Gorgone / PLANETPALS™

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Make Traveling A Gas....Saver!

How can you save gas during everyday travel? Many ways!

With gas at a premium cost this year and the planet in need of less emissions here are some simple useful tips to help you conserve and cut those costs:
Saving gas is a gas!
  •       Travel together in groups to your thanksgiving destination
  •       Plan your trip: Use the most efficient route
  •       Have a local dinner or drop in for neighbors
  •       When preparing for your event combine errands, and trips.
  •       Carpool errands with a friend and you will both save on gas and have fun!
  •       Don't use drive up windows...park and drive in 
  •       Service your car it will keep it at peak performance
  •       Go lightly on the gas pedal
  •       Don't pump your brakes
  •       Don't idle for long periods of time
  •       Empty the car and trunk of extra items
  •       Put items in the trunk instead of your roof
  •       Drive 55 mph instead of 65 (you save 15%!)
  •       Don't use your air conditioning
  •       Use your 5th gear whenever possible
  •       Keep your tires properly inflated
  •       Buy a Fuel Saver of some kind
  •       Use the lowest octane gas
  •       Don't rev your engine
  •       Of course walk, bike, bus when you can and save gas altogether! 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Planetpals Teachers Pay Teachers Store - The Best Activities On Earth For The Classroom!

Planetpals Characters have been part of early education for well over a decade, used in many schools and by many organizations worldwide for Earthday and everyday environmental education. It's website and blog were the first environmental education sources online, with over a thousand of pages of educational content and ideas.

PP TPT Store The Best On EARTH!

Planetpals educational activities and activity books are not only fun, they educate children about their world.  Whether the topic be Earth Science, Earthday, World Peace, Health or Holiday Topics, they inspire learning about our world in a delightful and meaningful way! Planetpals unique, entertaining and enlightening activities make everyday and every holiday  greener and more playful.

Kids learn:
  • To love and appreciate the world around them
  • To care for the planet, everyone and everything on it
  • To be tolerant and responsible
  • To be healthy inside and out
So, whether you are teaching, homeschooling, or just want purposeful and relevant play for your children,  check out our website at and our creative activities. 

Planetpals activities can be found solo or on bundles at Planetpals TeachersPayTeachers Store

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Why Planetpals Activities Are The Best On Earth!

Planetpals Characters have been part of early education for well over a decade, used in many schools and by many organizations worldwide for Earthday and everyday environmental education. It's website and blog were the first environmental education sources online, with over a thousand of pages of educational content and ideas.

Planetpals educational activities and activity books are not only fun, they educate children about their world.  Whether the topic be Earth Science, Earthday, World Peace, Health or Holiday Topics, they inspire learning about our world in a delightful and meaningful way! Planetpals unique, entertaining and enlightening activities make everyday and every holiday  greener and more playful.

Kids learn:
  • To love and appreciate the world around them
  • To care for the planet, everyone and everything on it
  • To be tolerant and responsible
  • To be healthy inside and out
So, whether you are teaching, homeschooling, or just want purposeful and relevant play for your children,  check out our website at and our creative activities.

Planetpals activities can be found solo or on bundles at Planetpals TeachersPayTeachers Store

Don't forget the content on is a treasure trove on Earth:

Lastly, a new series of activity books will be available soon so stay tuned!

Friday, March 4, 2022

One Certain Thing, You Can Stay Healthy Inside And Out During These Uncertain Times

Coronavirus is on our mind everyday now.  Staying away from it, coping with it, our altered lives. Learning and living healthy with social distance and distance learning.  Pandemic or no pandemic.

Be healthy inside and out! Health lessons , ideas, suggestions, solutions for for kids.
Be Healthy Lesson. Get the Kids Whole Health Lesson here on TPT

So, how can we stay healthy?

How do we keep our mind healthy and our bodies in shape. What can we eat to stay healthy.

Well, Planetpals newest Text Lesson for all ages is now available with some ideas and tips for kids feeling lonely, confused, needing advice and ideas to get through it all.  Advice for a lifetime of health inside and out. Wellness lessons.

So, whether you are quarantined or just thinking about your family being the best they can be for a lifetime, this lesson is for you.

Homeschool, classroom, dustance learning.  In .pdf and .png to open in online classroom sharing platforms.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

These Snowmen and Snow Sculptures Are Snow Much Fun!

Make the best of that snowstorm.  These clever people did!

20 of the best snow sculptures we could find!

As a lot of the world prepares for snowstorms this winter, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the fun that snow can bring! 

The best ever Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
I have fond memories of snowmen, snow forts and my mother making us snow desert with snow, lemons and sugar.  Think of this as a chance to have fun with friends, cuddle up with family and maybe even amuse neighbors.
With that in mind, Happy SNOW!  We hope our Pals have only snow and no snags from the impending storm.  
So, snuggle up and enjoy these ideas for snow, they are a natural:
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow much love
Snow angel Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Angel
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Sculpture

Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Stone 
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Thinker
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Cool Cat! 
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Upside Down Snowman
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Oh Snow! What Happened? 
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Oops! There's SNOW Head.
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Wave. Hello Snow!
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Hello Snow Kitty 
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Hockey 
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Thumbs up for snow
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Family
Car in snow
Oops poops!
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Bob Square Pants
Snow much love
Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Monster

Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
The Snow Police
The best ever Snow sculptures, snowmen, snowman ideas, snow fun, snowy day, snow play
Snow Cool

Looking for some other Snow Activities?  A great selection of ideas to make the snow even more fun!

Get prepared for that storm!  Prepare for it Whether you are preparing for a natural disaster or trying to recover from a recent disaster, there are quite a few things you should know. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Thankful Activities For Kids For Thanksgiving

Looking for inclusive and meaningful ideas to do with your kids for a more meaningful and playful Thanksgiving this year? Planetpals has it covered with these adorable and thoughtful Thanksgiving lessons that teach lessons and show them ways to give thanks.

Thanksgiving Activities  Meaningful, Design & Color. Construct A Thankful Turkey:

Thanksgiving Lesson Share Piece of Thankful Pie. A Life Skills & Writing Activity:

Thanksgiving Activities & Writing Page. Design & Color. Learn Meaningful Words:

Planetpals: We help your make holidays happy and fun!