Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Happy Healthy Hopeful Earth Day 2020 50th Anniversary!

As we approach today's 50th anniversary, it is with sadness that our Earth is experiencing such trying times with the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.  As the world stands still, however, the planet and nature are returning to a more natural and stress free state.

Happy Healthy Hopeful Earth Day 2020 50th Anniversary!

Let us all learn from this, how precious our lives are and the planet that we live on is!  Let's try to continue to use less of everything, spew less gasses in the air and dump less on our lands.

Perhaps we can find a happy medium between consumption and need,  and above all, not enter upon greed. 

So, to this we say, Happy Healthy and Hopeful Earth Day!  /  / /  Planetpals Store 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Quick Tips You Will Want To Know

It's a strange time right now, some may even say it's a bit scary.  But, being knowledgable can help you and your family and friends stay safe and well. Knowledge is power!
being knowledgable can help you and your family and friends stay safe and well. Knowledge is power!
We have gathered a bunch of tips from the experts on how to stay safe. Simple and easy to follow. So, while you are social distancing and when you are not, be mindful, stay well, take precautions. Share them with friends. That way we all help one and other! 
For up to date notifications and info follow our PLANETPALS facebook page.

Meanwhile, here is a sample of Planetpals Safety Tips created to date:

Coronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virusCoronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virus
Coronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virusCoronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virus

 Coronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virus
Coronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virus

Get them in real time on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Pages.  Stay Healthy!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Spread Cheer Not Virus - Keep Your Distance Coronavirus Pandemic Humor

Coronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virusDo You Need To Humor Yourself And Others?

We have plenty of humor for you to send during this Pandemic. 
Created by Planetpals artist Judith Gorgone.

Available on Greeting Card Universe.  Did you know you can have cards sent to you? You can also pick them up at places like Target...but be careful and keep your distance! We want to spread cheer but not virusAvailable on products and t shirts at Redbubble . 

Pandemic Cards / Pandemic Products
Designs © artist Judith Gorgone

Check out these Pandemic PRODUCTS

Check out these Pandemic CARDS 




Pandemic Cards / Pandemic Products
More designs available!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pandemic Waste: With Coronavirus The Gloves & Wipes Waste Unimaginable

Covid 19 has our health system as well as all of us working backward. We are tossing materials out like mad for fear of contamination.

Coronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virus
Single-Use Unneccesary Disposal - What Can You Do? 
Coronavirus, coronavirus caution, coronavirus safety tips, covid, covid-19, health, pandemic, pandemic tips, precautions, safety, social distance, social distancing, virus

That doesn't just include hospitals using gloves and gowns, but individuals tossing single use gloves, masks, and wipes on a daily basis!  

Not only is it a recycle mess it's a social mess! People are afraid of the contaminants and just disposing of them everywhere. In shopping carts on the street, in the parking lots.

Hopefully, stores, businesses, gas stations, etc will place disposable recycle boxes outside their exit doors for gloves and wipes to help us recycle.  Gloves and wipes have to be disposed of differently than toilet paper or tissues. 

Here are a number of topics and solutions I found. Some solutions for small businesses and large and information guides: 

Recycle Disposable Wipes 
Recycle Gloves
Terracycle Disposable Boxes
Kimberly Clark Right Cycle 
Clean Hands Eco Friendly Alternatives

Be green! Think Clean EARTH. Be a Planetpal!