Showing posts with label SNOW FUN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNOW FUN. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Let it Snow Activities For The Kid in Everyone

Snow Day.  SNOW MUCH FUN! 

the best snowy day ways to play on the planet

What snowy thing can you do? Our best collection of fun activities to take the chill out of that snowstorm.

Snow many things you can do!  Use these activities las esson plans by combining a learning experience with them or go outside and just have some cool fun.  Moms with little kids can bring some activities inside.  Snow much fun:

Snow Painting a snow cool craft: 
snow painting is loads of fun!

Snow Art Draw anywhere!  Make simple designs or complicated ones.

Build a Snowman. See these 10 cool and crazy ideas. Make a small one inside or a big one outside. Use recycled materials and make it greener!
Make a Snow Sculpture. Now that's arty! Learn about a famous artist/sculptor at the same time!
Snow Circles big or small.  You have heard of Crop circles--try Snow circles 
Snow food like Snow Dessert. Sprinkle some fun! My mom used to make these! Here are some safe ways to do it , a snow ice cream recipe (using snow) and  list of snow theme recipes (not using snow).

Snow Experiments will stops brain freeze and get creativity flowing: 
Construct a snow chair and rest a while.

 Snow many Snow Angels are possible just flap your wings:

Hours of fun for the entire clan: or  Make a Snow Hideout or Snow Fort remember to go home even if you are hving a cool time! 

Snow sledding, tubing, taboganning make downhill a thrill:

Snow Skiing uphill, downhill all day: 
Snow Shoeing - Take a walk on the wild side:
Make an Igloo a cool place to play and learn about Eskimos and Inuit Indians:
Snow Ball Fight.  That's right.  Be nice! 
Indoor or out you can have snow much fun!  Be creative..take big projects inside until the snow melts. (Small projects can go in the freezer). 
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